Something About Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai
paras ram
Who am I?
Hi World! I am Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai, currently living in Karachi, Pakistan. I am a 21 year old addicted Web Surfer, computer enthusiast, Professional Blogger, Code extractor and Certified Search Engine Optimizer (SEO). I started blogging in August 2008 just after completing my GCE A Level and thereafter my life changed dramatically. I started taking interest in tweaking Blogger Templates by thoroughly reading articles all over blogosphere. My thirst for learning and understanding HTML, CSS and JavaScript equipped me with an excellent art of code extracting. I dig and extract CSS and HTML codes out of highly professional blogspot and Wordpress Templates and then alter them in such a way that may suit any Blogger hosted blog. I have introduced several unthinkable Blogger Tricks in this blog and have availed several rare blogspot widgets for free.
I haven’t taken any professional training for understanding complicated browser languages but I learnt them online. Many Blogspot widgets that you find online are often of low quality in appearance, dosed with Heavy JavaScript, linked to external sites (which increases your page load time) and have a link to it that says “Grab This Widget” or “Widget by” which is not encouraging!
The purpose of publishing this blog was to provide high quality, successful and free blogger tricks to the blogspot users all around the world, so that every blogger may be able to turn his free Blogger template into a $300 professional template! The proof is the template that I am running at the moment. This is how my template actually looked –> Church Theme
Thanks for taking interest in knowing about me. It would be my pleasure to serve you to the best of my ability.
Live, chill, enjoy your lives and most importantly, be always thankful to your best friend “The GOD Almighty”
Regards, MOHD___
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