Submit Your Posts To 160 Social Bookmarking Sites At Once!! Plus Know The Dofollow Logic
With growing popularity and growth of blogs, competition between blog authors is on its Peek. Every blogger would wish to submit his or her Posts to as many Social and Bookmarking sites as possible. But with growing number of blogs there is an increase in the number of these Social Bookmarking Sites. Submitting each of your new post to this huge number of social sites is almost impossible!. But thanks to Dsai I came to know of a free web service like you can easily submit your posts to up to 160 Social Bookmarking Sites at Once! You will only need to submit your URL, Post Title, Tags and description just once! and there you get it submitted to millions of audience out there waiting to credit you for your efforts.
This is what says,Below is a screenshot of this amazing free service,Automatic Social Bookmarks SubmitterOver 160 popular social bookmarking sites are supported. Social Submitter is ideal for SEO purposes. Social Submitter allows you rapidly increase indexation process and get trusted back links to your site. Submit Links to Social Bookmarking Websites Automatically!
Remember you can submit your posts to these services only if you sign up for an account to each of these social bookmarking sites else your post wont get submitted. After You click thestart Posting button. The socialposter page will load up and you will then have to click at the links in blue entitled “Post” next to each bookmarking site of your choice . You must be logged in to social sites of your choice like digg, technorati, twitter, facebook etc, in order to get your posts submitted.
Update: The remaining portion of this post was written when I had no proper knowledge about SEO but after I completed my SEO training I came to know that making a blog a dofollow badly divides your PageRank amongst all those who come to comment and leave a link to your site. Moreover it turns a blog into a spam spot because people will comment on your blog using automated software in order to market their product. So kindly don’t follow what is written below. I am just keeping it as a record.
Sorry for this portion of the post written out Ignorance
One of the best thing I like about this website is that it shows a highly important information about a bookmarking site. Things like Google Page Rank, Alexa Ranking, and a DoFollow option. A Dofollow site or blog is one where comments can be crawled by search engine spiders. For example if you leave a comment in a Dofollow blog with good Pagerank, you are basically leaving a natural backlink at that site. Your link can than be crawled by Google spiders and your PageRank will increase tremendously! Similarly submitting your posts to Dofollow Social Bookmark services will increase your PageRank and will bring you tones of traffic!
By the way my blog is a Dofollow blog :D. Feel free to leave a backlink. You can identify a Dofollow blog by a “Dofollow Logo” Like these,
My Dofollow Logo is a Personal One. You can see on my sidebar.
To make your blog a Dofollow one simply Go to Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widgets
And search for
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel="nofollow">
OR this,
expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel="nofollow"
Now simply delete rel="nofollow" and your code will look like this,
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'
>OR thisexpr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'
Save your template. Alas! you turned your blog into a Dofollow blog.
Turning your blog into a Dofollow one will increase Spam but at the same time it will bringyou a flood of loyal visitors and high Google PageRank. I as a blogger love to comment on a blog which is a Dofollow one else leaving comments on nofollow blogs is useless!
That’s All!
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